Let’s start your final week!
The last unit of your course – already? Within this unit, we hope to inspire you to start your next innovation project with children and young people! Planning is the most important aspect, if you want to conduct a workshop in an open setting like a makerspace. After the completion of this unit, you will be able start planning your own social innovation project and get an insight on different possibilities to implement the DOIT learning programme for your purpose.
Planning a DOIT workshop with the DOIT Workshop Design Canvas
You are now equipped with a lot of methods and materials to conduct a (social) innovation project in an open learning setting using (digital) innovation tools. But where can you start? Many questions arise: Do you have the necessary resources? Do you need to install a temporary makerspace in a school or do you have the possibility to visit an open workshop nearby you? Which topics will you cover in the workshop?
For this purpose, we would like to introduce the „Workshop Design Canvas“, which helps you to plan your innovation process. Our experts Karien Vermeulen, WAAG and Christine Kolbe, Germany will provide insights on how to guarantee maker access for all and how to set up a makerspace in a school.
Get insights on how to find and build maker offers:
In the next videos, Karien will give you an insight on where to find maker offers you could join with your students or your kids. Additionally, Christine shows you how they collaborated with a primary school in Germany and installed a makerspace in a spare room of the building.
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Watch how to install a makerspace in a primary school:
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Plan your workshop!
You can take one of our DOIT workshop descriptions presented in Unit 2 and adapt it to your environment, e.g. replace activities with others from the DOIT toolbox. But maybe your social innovation workshop/ project topic, target group or partners need a different approach and you have to start from scratch? The structure and elements of the DOIT Workshop Design Canvas can help you to consider all your (first) ideas and sort them. To use the canvas template in practice, print it on a large piece of paper and fill it in, ideally already with the people you want to work with.
Test your knowledge and understanding about Making Young Social Innovators!
Quiz Unit 4: How to plan your own innovation project and collaborate with local makerspaces?
Learning Material and Additional Resources of Unit 4
- DOIT Handbook
- Workshop Manuals
- DOIT Innovation Toolbox
- DOIT Youtube Channel
- DOIT Publications
- Tips for a successful DOIT-based workshop
- Recommendations for facilitators to reach special target groups
Keep in touch:
Thank you for joining us in this online course – we hope we inspired you to start your project right away! If you want to engage with the project, you have a lot of possibilities:
- Support our cause: Encourage Young Learners to become Creative Social Innovators
- Use your newly gained knowledge: Choose your material from the Toolbox
- Expand your network: Register to our conference on September 24th 2020 [veraltet?]
- Stay in touch: Connect with us on Facebook or write an e-mail to info@doit-europe.net